Good morning! Welcome to the DKos Sangha weekly open thread.
This is an open thread for members of the DKos Sangha and interested visitors who happen by. Each of us has our own path; we come here by way of many different traditions, and of no particular tradition. While the language we use may differ depending on the traditions, teachers, practices, and teachings that have shaped our journeys, we find in common, generally, a search for who we truly are, our true nature, and to bring the peace and compassion born of that search into the greater world of which we are a part. If you wish to share, or if you seek support, or if you simply want to say hello, please do; this space is for you.
Wherever we may find ourselves, wherever we may be in our practice, on our path, is where we need to be. This that is our experience now is where our focus needs to be. Here we must be patient; here we must be compassionate. Here we must open, gently, with tenderness, to whatever our experience is now. This is where the work is to be done.
Whatever may be arising for you, impatience, disappointment, doubt, confusion, notice that, bring your attention to that, notice how your body is reacting; breathe, open your heart, invite whatever is arising into the heart, just be with whatever is arising as you would be with a child experiencing the same thing, with open arms, with love and attention.
We are each a unique manifestation of the universe; and whatever is arising for us in this moment is how the universe is manifesting through us in this moment. This is the path that is being laid out before us by the universe, which is not other than our very self. When we are not so caught up in the story running through our mind about how we think things should be, when the veil of separate self is lifted, then we see that the next step on that path is whatever is arising in our experience now.
When you notice, annoyance, impatience, whatever may be causing separation, whatever may be causing tension or stress or friction or conflict, whatever it is that is arising within your experience in this moment, when you notice, return to the breath, breathe, feel into the body, open the heart, invite in with open arms that which is suffering, that which is incomplete, unfinished, unloved, alone; be tender, be gentle, be patient, be love.
The path winds through every moment of every day. It is an amazing journey. And where you are right now, in this moment, is where the next step is to be taken.
You are welcome to join us each week in our Monday night group meditation here at DKos Sangha. This online group meditation is hosted by Ooooh, and the diary is posted at 7:00 Eastern. So that we are able to be together for as many here at Daily Kos as wish to participate, the meditation period runs from 7:30 to 11:00 Eastern. This group sitting is open to beginners and advanced, and is not restricted to any particular traditions or practices. It is not expected that you sit for the entire period; sit for as long as you like, when you like. The idea is that we are here together; supporting each other, holding space for each other.