Trump is an old-fashioned "Know-Nothing", and just as the
Know-Nothings of the 1840's led the
Whig Party into the polical abyss in the 1850's, Trump's "Know-Nothingism" is leading the Republican/Tea Party into its own Whiggy abyss.
The consolation I take from history is that the business-friendly, socially-conservative Whig Party (of John Adams) was replaced with the business-friendly, socially-liberal Republican Party (of Abraham Lincoln) about a decade later as a result of the xenophobic, theocratic extremism of the Know-Nothings (who were the Tea Partiers of their day) being expelled from Wall Street's governing coalition.
Maybe we, too, will soon see our modern-day business-friendly, socially-conservative Republican/Tea party be replaced with a modern-day businss-friendly, socially-liberal party later this decade, while our modern-day xenophobic, theocratic "Know-Nothings" (aka Tea Partiers) get driven out of Wall Street's shiny, new, more-socially-responsible, governing coalition.
The fear I take from history is that the Know-Nothings of the 1840-50's, once expelled from the Whigs, joined forces with the racist Democratic Party (of Thomsas Jefferson) to "take their country back", which led to that little internecine squabble we had in the 1860's following the election of liberal Republican Abraham Lincoln. Let's not repeat that mistake, shall we?