I've had just about enough of conservatives whining about conspiracy theories about the “liberal media” and “liberal teachers.” Stop it. Just stop. What evidence do they have? None. Ever. It’s always nothing more than mere invective. It’s the sort of ridiculous right wing conspiracy theory that stops any chance at a meaningful conversation. I can't emphasize enough how sick I am of hearing conservatives complain about this paper tiger. My 1 year old complains less that conservatives do.
If you’re a conservative, I hate to break this to you, but the "liberal media" is a myth. MSNBC was a response to FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of conservative talk radio. Not vice versa. And as Bill O'Reilly so often likes to tout, MSNBC's ratings don't hold a candle to FOX's. And the reason for that is because liberals, by design, are a tortured bunch. As liberals, we are defined if nothing else by our constant hand-wringing and self-doubt. We go out and seek to be disproven. Whereas conservatives seek the opposite. They crave the echo chamber that validates their pre-existing POV. So much so that any perceived statement that hurts their delicate sensibilities is immediately perceived as bias and dismissed as "liberal." The problem is, when the only thing you’re ever exposed to is the ramblings of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, the goal posts have been moved so far to the right for you that anything left of fascism is perceived as a liberal bias. To such an extent that conservatives even now claim that networks like CNN and ABC are liberal as well, despite the fact that they invite more Republicans on the air than Democrats. Republicans who don't even have the decency to refer to their DemocratIC colleagues by their given name. Instead resorting to petty schoolyard taunts. It's not the "Democrat Party." It's the "DemocratIC Party." And they know it too.
I mean, just take a step back for a moment and truly think about it. The audacity. The sheer, unbridled, shameless hypocrisy. To cognitive dissonance of it all. For conservatives to get on their moral high horse and feign outrage about a biased media, while they sit on their couches watching FOX News and drive in their cars listening to Rush Limbaugh. I mean, if you’re going to be a complete partisan, at least have the decency to admit it. That’s fine. It’s your prerogative. But for crying out loud, don’t be a coward and claim that everyone else is partisan.
How are we supposed to take anyone seriously who clearly doesn't take us seriously? All of that and I haven't even begun to discuss their knee jerk defense of an authoritarian, mysoginist, racist xenophobe. So, to all conservatives out there, please spare me the nonsense about "liberal bias" in our institutions. I'm not buying, and you won't convince me that my eyes and ears are lying to me. Grow up!
If conservatives don't like being called out for the stupid things they say and do, maybe they should stop doing and saying stupid things.