My friends, this is going to be a BIG hammer with which to hit the POTUS-elect.
Right there, in Article 9 of the US Constitution. It is simple. It is easy to understand. And Trump will violate it in spades if he does not fully divest from Trump Organization by Jan. 21, by liquidating all Trump assets and putting the proceeds in a true blind trust overseen by an independent manager.
Kurt Eichenwald foreshadowed it here.
Ian Millheiser at ThinkProgress drove home the point here based upon arguments from GW Bush's ethics lawyer with a particular focus on the Trump hotel in DC, wher the Trump organization held a meet and greet for foreign diplomats. The point is this: foreign dignitaries in that hotel could pay directly into Trump’s pocket and curry favor with him by letting him know this. IT is of course not just the Trump DC hotel — it is projects in India, Russia, China, etc. Line up with Trump, get what you want.
Direct violation of the Emoluments Clause which is meant to prevent precisely this kind of influence by foreign influence.
Judd Legum highlighted this in a tweetstorm that constitutional law authority Lawrence Tribe felt worthy of comment:
This is potentially impeachable on its merits — but damage can also be done by a competitor who would lose business to Trump DC say via those seeking to curry favor with Trump — Tribe provides an explicit road map
A tweet I sent out with this simple message "get to know the Emoluments Clause” has spread like wildfire — because it is so clear.
So I urge a multifront war here on Trump.
- Pound your representatives on the Emoluments Clause, that if Trump does not divest by Jan. 21, impeach him.
- Call the House Oversight Committee and let them know that his conflicts of interest are unconstitutional and he must divest by Jan. 21 or face impeachment — the oversight committee number is 202-225-5074 — mention the emoluments clause so they know you are aware!
- Pound the media — letters to the editor, etc — if the front pages don’t cover emoluments clause contact the liaisons, public editors, etc. Call on Trump to truly divest by liquidating his holdings and putting them in a true blind trust, not one run by his kids.
- Let’s get on it to identify potential vendors with standing and moxie to sue Trump. He will not want the exposure of court on this.
Let's roll!
Monday, Nov 21, 2016 · 8:27:08 AM +00:00
Pointed out in the comments and elsewhere — Congress can consent. Sure, let the GOP congress consent to letting the man who promised to drain the swamp suck big time gifts through his hotels from foreign agents (diplomats) representing other countries. If they want to that is fine but they will have to do it in the full glare of the cameras and let the American people know they fully approve of this greedy kleptocrat running roughshod over the integrity of the oval office. That would go over real well with the struggling white working class, don’t you think?