It’s no secret that conservative ideology and climate change denial go hand in hand. But a story by Tom Bawden at the UK Independent shows just how close the ideology of some British anti-climate and anti-EU activists actually is. Apparently, no fewer than eight individual organizations call the same townhouse at 55 Tufton Street home. Just “a stone’s throw from Parliament,” this unassuming building appears to be the intersection of a number of ideologically aligned groups.
One of them is the Global Warming Policy Foundation/Forum, the group that was forced to spin off a politicking arm after the UK’s charity commission ruled that its supposed education efforts around climate change were more like political lobbying. The founder of the Global Warming Policy Foundation is Lord Lawson, who Vote League—a campaign putting pressure on the UK to exit the European Union—just appointed as its chairman. The "mastermind" of the Vote League campaign is Matthew Elliott, who is known to argue against renewable energy and who founded the TaxPayer’s Alliance—also housed at 55 Tufton Street.
Bawden's article goes on to illuminate some of the other groups and their incestuous connections, though it doesn't break down exactly how so many different groups occupy such a small-seeming building.
Humble as the housing may be, at least they’re not working out of a shipping center!
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