Received this e-mail today from Deborah Ross’ (D. NC) U.S. Senate campaign:
Senator Burr and Mitch McConnell made it clear this weekend that they are more interested in playing politics with the Supreme Court than doing their job.
Just hours after Justice Scalia passed away, Republicans in the Senate turned a sad day of remembrance into a shameful display of partisanship by stating they would refuse to approve or vote for a nomination regardless of his or her qualifications.
My opponent, Senator Richard Burr, even said he believes the seat should remain vacant for nearly a year.
The Constitution says otherwise. It says the President “shall nominate" and with the “advise and consent of the Senate, shall appoint” judges to the Supreme Court. It says nothing about an election year or ideology.
Join me and tell Sen. Burr and his Republican colleagues to drop the partisanship and do their constitutional duty.
Senator Burr’s flagrant disregard for upholding his constitutional duties will have a direct impact on North Carolinians. Right now, the voting rights of North Carolinians in two gerrymandered congressional districts are pending in front of the Supreme Court.
It’s time for Republicans and Senator Burr to fulfill their constitutional duties. Sign my petition and demand they vote on a confirmation.
Thank you,
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