Note that this is a fast breaking story which will probably contain updates in the future.
Whatever the reason (switched votes, bad original counting by the party, people not showing up), when delegates gathered in Polk County today in Iowa to cast their votes for the Democratic Party nomination for President, Bernie Sanders won the count 532 to 519 (perhaps 600-530?). This was a shock because according to the Iowa Democratic Party, Clinton won this most populous county (Des Moines) with 53.2% of the delegates.
The Clinton people allegedly tried to tell the Sanders people to go home, that the count was over. Some Sanders people left, then the Clinton people called for more counts. The Sanders people tried to stay, but the final count ended up at Clinton 511, Sanders 503, with a 114-114 statewide delegate split for Polk County (Update, actually 115-113 Clinton). Even if you go with the last count (with all its problems), that is 7 6 less STATEWIDE delegates for Clinton and 7 6 more for Sanders than what would have happened with a Clinton 53.2% lead. The total statewide delegates on election night were calculated to be Clinton 701, Sanders 697. However, with this change, it would put it at Sanders, 703, Clinton 695, suggesting Sanders might be currently winning Iowa. We won’t know until the state convention for sure, but it looks like a pretty big coup for the Sanders campaign.
Sanders was not too happy with the shenanigans by the Clinton people:
Note here that the problem for Clinton may have been that her delegates just didn’t show up, it could have been that her delegates switched to Sanders. However there were several reports that Sanders delegates were recorded by the party as being Clinton delegates for some reason. I wonder if that might have been the issue.
This could lead to a +4 National delegate switch towards Bernie, as it could give him one more statewide (one less for Clinton) and give him one more (Clinton one less) in CD3 depending on how it shakes out:
Update 6 - You guys would be so proud to see what's going on in here. So much passion!!!
Clinton - 511 Sanders - 503
114 delegates for Sanders and Clinton each!
UPDATE 7 - 5:43pm. The room overwhelmingly voted in favor of demanding the resignation of the Clinton county chair, secretary, etc.
To anyone else who was present, please feel free to chime in and clarify anything I shared! What a day!!!
U/HWAV explained: Clinton won 638 county delegates on caucus night. Bernie won 554. In Polk.
Clinton was projected to win 121 state level delegates. And Bernie 105. In Polk.
So the Delegates in CD3 are likely 4-3 Bernie rather than 3-4 Clinton. Which puts the statewide delegates at 22-22 from 23-21.\
Edit: I looked at this in more depth and it may stay 3-4 at 172-181 state delegates. This assumes the other counties in CD3 hold.
Original story said it was 114-114 statewide delegates from Polk County, but updates show that is 115 for Clinton and 113 for Sanders. Doesn’t change things much.
Updated 9:38pm CST:
Iowa Democratic Party says Clinton maintains her lead with 704-700 delegates in the state:
So, Sanders seems to have lost some ground in other counties, but comes out about 4 statewide delegates behind. The next step is the state convention on June 18th.
If the original counts before Sanders people in Polk county were told to go home, Sanders would probably be leading Iowa right now. See below: