For those that follow all this: today saw the utter unraveling of any decency or maturity Bernie supporters have ever had.
The caucus that was held in Nevada had the following outcome:
Clinton: 6316 votes= 52,6%
Sanders: 5678 votes= 47,3%.
During the first convention the Bernie supporters used every underhanded tactic possible to steal the election.
The credentials chairman for the Clark convention, Christine Kramer sent all the email addresses of Clinton delegates to the Sanders’ campaign. These same Clinton delegates then received an email that they didn’t need to show up for the convention. Some Sanders supporters also received this email, but the large bulk of it was sent to the (stolen) Clinton email addresses. As of all this wasn’t bad enough, Sanders supporters who had no business being there blocked the entrance and the venue, which led to some Clinton delegates actually being turned away.
For full info on what happened during the Clark Convention:
After lots of uproar, the Sanders supporters managed to steal some delegates.
Today is the second state-wide Nevada convention.
After an initial vote it turned out that of the total delegates showing up: 1,245 supported Clinton and 1100 Bernie.
For anyone that supports democracy, that thinks the votes of people should count: this is great news.
All in all this turn out may reset the delegate count to the original vote, and thus correct the disgusting situation that intimidation, theft and harassment actually enabled the Sanders’ campaign to steal delegates.
You’d think… while I’m writing this, Bernie’s supporters are acting like absolute assholes and going out of their way to interrupt and halt the convention. People cant be heard, because the Bernie supporters just shout and boo everyone down.
People are being heckled, interrupted, people like Barbara Boxer are interrupted, insulted etc etc.
Classic response from Barbara Boxer to the people interrupting her:
“Boo yourself out of this election. Hillary won Nevada. If you boo me, you're booing Bernie because he's my friend. So boo me as loud as you want. Go ahead. I was born in Brooklyn and I'm not afraid of bullies!"”
I’m gonna say this here: a lot of Bernie supporters seriously think they can intimidate and insult their way into the White House. They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
But they aren’t, because they have convinced themselves that when they steal delegates its all good, and when Hillary wins the election, she has committed fraud.
Update: Bernie suporters are now booing Nina Turner of all people, because she suggested we should work towards unity and respect and because she asked them to calm down.
Another update: the original uproar was about a provisional vote.
The final vote is being held atm.
The rest of the anger was directed at the fact that some Sanders supporters wanted to change certain rules, but in order to do that during the convention a 2/3d majority is needed.