I’ve noticed something new about Reince Priebus in the last couple of days. Ever since he tweeted out on Tuesday that Trump is now the presumptive nominee nobody will talk about anything but Trump. And whenever Trumps name comes up, a funny thing happens. Priebus smiles. It’s not an honest, open smile. It’s not even a used car salesman’s smile. Mostly what it looks like is the strained, almost embarrassed smile of someone getting caught in the middle of a sour fart.
And it's not getting any better for him. As it stands today, not one single living ex GOP President or past nominee will be going to Cleveland to pass the baton over to Der Donald. The roster of GOP politicians who are actively stating that they will never support Trump is growing. Even House Speaker Paul Ryan is taking one for the team, giving hesitant members in tough re-elections cover by stating he can’t quite board the Trump train yet. And Trump wants to turn the RNC convention into a four day blend of “The Apprentice” and the “Miss Universe” pageant. Howz that “party unity” thing going for you son?
It’s a funny thing about being on the losing side, your friends disappear like a coin in Harry Houdini’s hand. That’s just how it goes, and it hurts. But it’s another thing altogether when a trusted friend turns on you like a hungry grizzly bear.
And that is Reince Priebus’ sorry lot in life right now. It happened last night, and I saw it with my own two eyes. Priebus went on Sean Hannity’s show for what I’m sure he thought was a cupcake appearance, and instead Hannity lashed out at him for the party not rallying around Trump with the kind of temper tantrum he normally saves up for Hillary Clinton supporters. As reported in Talkingpointsmemo
During his Fox News show on Thursday night, Hannity lamented that Republicans have had plenty of time to get used to Trump and suggested that the House find a new speaker, given that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) still won't support Trump as the nominee.
"To me it seems selfish," Hannity told Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus, referencing Ryan's refusal to back Trump. The Fox host also noted that Mitt Romney, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush won't back Trump either.
"I’m getting a little ticked off," Hannity said.
Priebus offered a measured response, telling Hannity that "it’s gonna take some time for some people to come to grips and to get to know Donald Trump and to get on board."
"This has been going on a year!" Hannity hit back. "What do they need to know?"
Ouch! As they say in comedy, “With friends like this, who needs enemas?”. I think the only thing he’s playing on his piano these days is Mozart’s “Requiem Mass”. I predict that shortly he’ll be submitting his application for the Witness Protection Program, there’s no safe place left for him anymore.
Now, don’t get me wrong here. I don’t feel sorry in the slightest bit for Reince Priebus. He has always been a snaky little shit, and watching him get stapled to the wall is popcorn for the soul. If you’d like to see Hannity’s temper tantrum and Reince’s “fart smile”, the video is embedded in the TPM linked story.
Thanks as always for reading!