I want to take a few of the weenie liberal arguments head on. I was going to wait, but after that Warren speech today, this weak, scared talk is getting on my nerves.
1. She’s better in the Senate!
Is she? Why? Name some major legislation she has pushed through. You can’t because there isn’t any. You need to clear your head and look at this shit. The Senate needs better Democrats, but that is a long ass fucking slog and Warren is 66 years old. Patty Murray, 65, is just now making into leadership (a likely whip) and she has been in the Senate for 23 years. Warren has been in for three. THREE! She’s not looking at real power for at least another 15 years. You want to know where Warren is on the Senate Banking Committee? She’s way at the fucking back. Guess who is ahead of her? Merkley, Warner, Tester, Menendez, Schumer, Reed, and whoa...BROWN. Yeah..BROWN will have the gavel if we win back the Senate. You’ve already got a guy there.
Warren is in her fucking prime. HER PRIME! You want to wait around until she’s 80 years old before she’s able to do some shit? The Senate moves SLOW people. Very fucking slow. It was designed that way. Stop worrying about seeing her say shit on TV. Put her somewhere where she can get some shit done.
You know why you even know who she is? Because of the ass kicking job she did as a regulator. She has advised the FDIC on regulations. She chaired the financial crash oversight panel. She built the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. All work that involves the executive branch. If you look at her impact as a senator, it has basically been deep-sixing a few minor executive branch regulatory appointees, hasn’t it? How about she get to nix the appointees at the point of interviews? How’s that sound? Better to me.
I have no doubt that if Warren joined a Clinton Administration she would be THE ONE VOICE at the table in that group that has some real power. I know she will drive a hard bargain and be a fighter. She will get things done in the executive branch just as she did serving President Obama. By all accounts, she was a shrewd, savvy, skillful operator behind the scenes. She defended that agency from plenty of people in the Treasury who wanted to kill it. Ask Tim Geithner if she is a person to be reckoned with. Read his book if you don’t believe me. You want to leave Clinton’s right ear to Bill Clinton? She’s got two ears people.
2. A Republican will appoint her successor!
Its fucking Massachusetts people! We can hold a goddamn Senate seat in fucking Massachusetts. As long as we ban Martha Coakley from ever seeking public office statewide ever again, it should not be too goddamn difficult to find a left leaning politician in fucking Massachusetts of all places. So even if we did have to live with a Republican for a few months until the special election, Warren would be more than worth it. Then there is this: Remember when John Kerry ran for president? The General Court just changed the fucking law so Mitt Romney couldn’t appoint his successor if Kerry won. How about that?! Guess what kind of majority we have in the Mass legislature: We’ve got the Senate 33 to 5. We’ve got the House 122 to 34. That’s well over 2/3rds in both houses to override any veto of a change to the succession law. We can do that same shit again if we want. This is a minor problem. Massachusetts is an easy state to find a good liberal. The upside of Warren on the ticket far outweighs any of the kerfuffles that will need to be handled in bringing in her successor.
3. Balance the ticket with a pair of balls!
Funny how we never have to balance the ticket with a pair of breasts, right? There has been nothing but men as vice president and president. Somehow this was never a problem. But NOW we need balance. My my. How convenient. Never mind that Warren is a goddamn dynamo on the stump. Never mind that she’s the most dynamic, effective Democratic speechmaker in Congress, BY FAR. Never mind that she, unlike any other Democrat in Congress, represents a huge number of activists, small dollar donors, and liberal intelligentsia from coast to coast. Never mind all that. We need a dude. For balance. Please...sickens me to hear Democrats making this argument. This is HER time. Right now. She’s the one driving the moment, not some milquetoast pasty fuck with a prick. Give her what she’s got due. Other than Sanders (tax return problem...sorry Bernie), there is nobody in Congress or in any statehouse who commands the following she does. You’d be a fool to set that aside for a hairy back and some chins that hang over the collar.
4. Something, something dumb ass pick a Latino!
Any one will do, right? Just find one. Jesus fucking Christ. Do you fuckin people know how you sound? Look, let me be absolutely clear about this: There are NO LATINOS in the Democratic Party who have the fame, political agility, national scope, or political experience and following that Elizabeth Warren has. NONE. Quite frankly, the GOP is ahead of us on that score. Castro, Perez, frickin Hilda Solis...none of these folks have ever won a statewide anything. None of them. Castro hasn’t ever won shit but a half-ass mayor’s office of a second tier city! Tom Perez was a fucking county commissioner, are you kidding me?! None of these people is ready for the national spotlight. None of them. Certainly not ready for the big stage of the presidency. If they are, let them go prove it. Go somewhere and win. Castro, go beat Cruz in Texas. Perez, go be Governor in Maryland. If you’re such a hot shot, PROVE IT. Warren’s moxie speaks for itself. Now the exception to this would be Becerra. He’s certainly got the qualifications for the job. But I’ve just recently gone back and watched him perform on YouTube. Watched his convention speech from 2012. Yeah...wake me up when he says something. You think I’d take that over a level 5 hurricane like Warren? You’re dreaming. There’s going to be a Latino who runs for president and builds a national following and makes it to the Resolute Desk. I am certain about that. But not today. Not this year.
I want to say something about the electoral prospects of putting a Latino on the ticket. Folks, Trump has done a better job for us with the Latino vote than Pete Wilson could have ever dreamed of doing. Or than any elected Latino currently holding office anywhere ever could. We are GOOD on that score, rest assured. Adding a Latino to the ticket will have about as much effect on that vote as adding a Black. We’re going to get these votes and we are going to keep them. A vice presidential pick is not going to turn out that vote anymore than otherwise. But you mark my words, when the next young dynamic Latino comes out of nowhere and builds a national following on his or her own in a successful run at the nomination, then you’ll see Latino turnout go berserk. Its going to happen. But not today. Not this year. Live with it.
5. There is no upside for Warren.
The fuck are you talking about? No upside to being a heartbeat away from the presidency? Its like..ALL UPSIDE. I could see being wary if Clinton was 42 years old. But, err, uncomfortable though the thought may be, elder presidents do die. If that happened...now just think about this. Not wishing it. But IF THAT HAPPENED...who would you want to step into that office? Really think about it for a while. Who do you think could step into Hillary Clinton’s awfully big shoes, as the first woman to ever be elected president? If you’re telling me Julian Castro you’ve got a screw loose. Elizabeth Warren is the only woman in the Democratic Party who has the national profile to do it. The only one.
Lets confront the other sad outcome...Clinton loses to Trump. Guess who is the frontrunner, clear and away (and probably with little challenge) for 2020? Guess who will still have her Senate seat from which to pummel Trump, day in and day out? Yeah.
So look, you need to stop all this nonsense and get with the fuckin program. Warren for VP is only growing stronger every day. You know why she’s out there pummeling Trump? Its called CHITS baby. Just imagine what happens if she’s out there doing all this work, making news every day, hammering Trump and the entire GOP, and uniting the progressive wing behind her...and then Clinton goes and picks a generic placeholder like boring ass Tim Kaine...who couldn’t get an audience for his own funeral.
Finally, just think of what this would mean for American women. Just...please...think about this.
Its Warren’s time. Give her the big ass megaphone and lets do this thing.