Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) held a town hall tonight and his constituents were in no mood for his deflections, snarky answers and rightwing agenda. From the get-go, the room was packed and at some point it appears Chaffetz and/or venue personnel decided to stop letting people into the theater. A large group remained outside to protest. This normally mild-mannered Salt Lake City metro area crowd expressed their total outrage at Chaffetz, who serves as the Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. From that position, Chaffetz launched fruitless investigation after investigation at Hillary Clinton, holding 33 hearings. None of it led to charges or disciplinary action. It was nothing more than bad public relations and pathway for the most unqualified candidate in history to move into the White House. Making matters worse, Chaffetz has made it clear he has no intentions of investigating Donald Trump’s obvious business conflicts.
Tonight in a Salt Lake City Suburb, he paid the price. Watch as the crowd chants, “Do your job!”
Chaffetz has signaled he’ll be little more than an oversight lapdog for Donald Trump, who oddly enough, happened to summon Chaffetz to the White House today, the day he hinted at signing onto a letter to refer Kellyanne Conway’s unethical, illegal behavior for disciplinary action.
He tried to mount a defense of the extremely anti-LGBTQ Vice President, saying, “Mike Pence is like the most decent human being...” before the crowd LOUDLY protested:
In fact, there wasn’t much of anything Chaffetz tonight that the crowd agreed with at all. Mild clapping for his statement that Kellyanne Conway’s commercial for Ivanak Trump’s clothing line on Fox News this morning was “wrong, wrong, wrong.” Other than that, they flat-out rejected his stances on the Bureau of Land Management, the push to sell of our public lands and national parks, Donald Trump’s taxes, Trump administration oversight, the Affordable Care Act and more.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz ended up bolting from the town hall nearly an hour earlier than scheduled. He left to the chant Republicans from sea-to-shining-sea can expect to hear in the coming months and years: “Your last term!”
Keep at it, resistance fighters! We ARE the majority and when we turn out, we win!