Cameo is an online service that allows you to get celebrities and other public people to record messages to send to friends and family. It’s used to send well wishes and birthday wishes, silly messages, and the like. Celebrities usually address their phone camera, for a price, and use the person’s first name.
Democratic candidate for governor of Montana Mike Cooney decided to take advantage of this service—in the service of his own campaign. In fact, either Cooney or someone on his campaign noticed that former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently joined the Cameo roster of “celebrities.” This revelation has led to one truly terrific trolling move by the Cooney campaign.
In a Cameo video tweeted out by Mike Cooney entitled “a special message for @gregformontana,” Christie implores “Greg” to come back to New Jersey. Gianforte went to school and lived in New Jersey until 1995, when he moved to Montana. Christie has told NJ Advance Media that he had no idea that the “Greg” he was speaking to was Republican Greg Gianforte. “This is the kind of dirty underhanded stuff done by the DGA to exploit a charity that is caring for drug and alcohol addicted women and it should be repudiated immediately by all the leadership of the DGA.”
Then Christie tweeted out: “Shame on @CooneyforMT. Same to @DemGovs. I am doing Cameo to benefit a NJ charity that shelters & treats drug & alcohol addicted pregnant women & they send this misleading request and then push it out as a shot of @GregForMontana. I SUPPORT Greg Gianforte for Governor-absolutely!”
Hmmmm. Maybe Christie should have worried more about that when he was cutting billions as governor in spending on those very same programs and resources. That’s because Christie is a craven bullshit artist. The race in Montana is close, but Gianforte is ahead. It would be wonderful if someone good could come from Christie after all of these decades of corruption.
CHRISTIE: I have this special message today for you, Greg. Now, I understand you left New Jersey some time ago for work, and that happens sometimes. But Jersey never quite leaves you, does it? Now think of everything we got back here: We’ve got Taylor Ham. We’ve got Bruce Springsteen. We’ve got Jon Bon Jovi. We’ve got the Jersey Shore. We’ve got the boardwalks. We’ve got all that stuff back here that is waiting for you, but more than anything else, Mike and your whole family—they want you back here. So listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can come back voluntarily, or maybe, they’ll send me out to get you. I don’t think that’s what you want, Greg. So get yourself back to Jersey quick and let’s have some Jersey fun, and be Jersey strong. Get back here, Greg. We need you.
About two years after lying to police officers about assaulting Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs, Republican bully Greg Gianforte launched his campaign to become governor of Montana. The wealthy businessman has been adding money to his campaign against Democratic candidate Mike Cooney as we come down to the wire in a tight race. Considering that Gianforte voted to get a big tax break that added a reported $3 million in welfare to his personal coffers this past year, the fact that he’s throwing money at himself while jeopardizing Americans’ Social Security and Medicaid is sort of par-for-the-Republican-course.