The problem for the sizable majority of people who support state lockdowns is that we're all quietly staying in our homes and not attracting TV cameras and headlines. We are, however, being polled. Turns out, most of us aren't clamoring to be gathering together again in close quarters. A new Washington Post-University of Maryland poll shows that we "clearly oppose the reopening of restaurants, retail stores and other businesses, even as governors begin to lift restrictions that have kept the economy locked down in an effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic." The Post finds that Americans in "states with looser restrictions report similar levels of discomfort as those in states with stricter rules."
The majority of people—56%—are fine with going to the grocery store, an activity that has been allowed in every state during the lockdown because it is essential. But we don't want to go clothes shopping by a 67% majority, and we really don't want to eat in a restaurant: 78%. We are equally uncomfortable being exposed to stranger's sweat as eating with them, also 78%. The only thing people are more fearful of doing is sitting in a movie theater with them, according to 82%. The only thing a plurality of us are okay with, at 41%, is opening up golf courses. There is a partisan gap in this poll, with Republicans and lean-Republicans being significantly more willing to be out infecting people. A third of them would go to a movie, and nearly half want their gun stores and barber shops/salons open.
That tracks with Civiqs' regular findings. Here are Republicans nationally, and their concern about a potential outbreak in their local area:
Here’s what that looks like on a map—remember that orange signifies concern.
Back in Reality Land, our governors and scientists still get high approvals with the Post poll: 75% approve of their governors and 74% approve of Dr. Anthony Fauci. On the other hand, Trump is not doing well: 44% positive and 56% negative.