Donald Trump is ‘really, really, really, REALLY worried’ — that DEMs are going to “steal his re-election from him” … all because of Vote-by-Mail.
Donald Trump SHOULD be “worried” … BUT not about Mail-in Ballots.
Donald Trump SHOULD be “worried” … that much of America has woken up to his “Charlatan Act” — especially in the Swing States. And just like when you finally discover the ‘Magician’s secret’ — the “trick” is just not the same, once you catch on to the Act.
<b>Ta-da!</b> For my next trick -- <em>Watch me pull some “Hush Money” out of my Campaign funds!</em>
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Since the “Cognitive Genius” has recently discovered the wonder of “Percentage rates” — well here’s a Percentage for him and his Campaign-salvage Team to cogitate on:
0.00006 %
That is FAR less than the “Percentage” that Trump has been parroting lately to discount the COVID pandemic — namely that only 1.00000 % Covid cases harm their victims:
TRUMP: “Now we have tested over 40 million people. But by so doing, we show cases, 99% of which are totally harmless.” — Fourth of July remarks Saturday.
THE FACTS: This statement does not reflect the suffering of millions of COVID-19 patients.
The World Health Organization, for one, has said about 20% of those diagnosed with COVID-19 progress to severe disease, including pneumonia and respiratory failure. Whatever the numbers turn out to be, it's clear that the threat is not limited to the merest sliver of those who get the disease.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump Falsely Says 99% of Virus Cases Benign
President Donald Trump is claiming that coronavirus infection is harmless to 99% of the people who get it.
Trump tells the Nation that COVID is nothing to worry about, because he falsely states that only 1.00000 % Covid cases harm their victims. [Or 0.01000 in decimal format.]
Then in his next hyper-ventilating breath he rants about the “dangers of a RIGGED Election” …
Dangers that when the Math is done, are far far less than his mythical COVID “success”:
Vote fraud in the United States is exceedingly rare, with mailed ballots and otherwise. Over the past 20 years, about 250 million votes have been cast by a mail ballot nationally. The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.
Let’s put that data in perspective.
One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.
Oregon is the state that started mailing ballots to all voters in 2000 and has worked diligently to put in place stringent security measures, as well as strict punishments for those who would tamper with a mailed ballot. For that state, the following numbers apply: With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.
This hardly seems like a world in which “thousands and thousands of people [are] sitting in somebody’s living room, signing ballots all over the place.”
Let's put the vote-by-mail 'fraud' myth to rest
0.00006 %
That is FAR less than 1 in a Million of Vote-by-Mail ballots where Fraud has taken place.
Trump tells us not to worry about COVID — because only 1 in a Hundred are harmed.
You do the Math.
Trump is trying to scare us about stuff that safe and secure: Vote-by-Mail.
While trying to deceive us about stuff that is spreading exponentially: COVID19.
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Now for his “next trick” ...
Watch him pull a rabbit out of his false-bottom hat … Impressed yet? … Not likely.
The “Cognitive Genius” might be able to count back from 100 by 7 — all the way to 93 — but for the life of the Nation, he can’t count on winning re-election …
UNLESS he scares the Electorate into blaming Biden, for the THINGS that are happening on his WATCH!
Perhaps the “Law and Disorder” president should get someone on his team, who knows how to do the Math ...
Someone who knows that a
0.00006 % proven Fraud rate — 143 convictions in 250 Million Ballots
is far far FAR within the Margin of Error of Voter sentiment — statistically speaking — and is nowhere close, nowhere in the ball-park of what it would take to “RIG AN ELECTION.”
You would have thought, his pal Putin would have told him THAT much, by now. That REAL Rigging takes a clandestine army. Not the chump change Trump is repeating, on auto-pilot: like 5 memorized words:
That’s NOT amazing — that’s Dereliction of Duty. The Chump swore an Oath, dammit!
One that he breaks every single solitary day.
Vote for me, I will make you Rich, keep you Safe, and never, never Lie to you … (again).
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Here are a few more Fact-checks on the security already built-in to Vote-by-Mail:
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The Donald has more chance of getting struck by lightning — than he has of, “pulling an inside straight” again, and “stealing the Electoral College” … from the majority of the American People.
Vote-by-Mail is the least of his “worries” — the Guy’s gotta find a whole “New Act.”
Good luck with that, Bunker Boy.
I hear being the GOP Lightning-rod, is a pretty good routine.
Mail-in-Ballot Fraud “about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.”
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