If you know a Trumper -- let them know they are not alone, if they are experiencing some “Buyer’s Remorse” — about their last vote for the Celebrity Businessman.
Regrets? Oh, it’s OK if they have more than a few of those … many, many Republicans do:
There is no one who poses a greater threat to American democracy than Donald Trump.
-- Matt, North Carolina
It hurts me deep in my soul when I see what happened in DC at Lafayette Square.
-- Bill, Michigan
He's a draft dodger. He never served in the military, he has no clue what it means to serve in the military.
-- Steve, California
This election is not about Democrat or Republican. It is about American survival or not.
-- David
I admit it: I voted for Trump in 2016. After three and a half years, I decided to start watching the COVID-19 press conferences. My son has diabetes, and it's very important that we get good information and we just didn't get information at all. We got lies. [...]
-- Tom, Arizona
I don't like having to wake up every morning wondering what the hell my president said on Twitter.
-- Skip, New Jersey
[...] It's time to cut ties with this and … just put an end to this hatred, this bigotry, this phony corrupted leader.
-- Walter, Georgia
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If you know a Trumper -- here's the one thing you should do for them — that just might open their eyes to how they’ve been hood-winked by the Celebrity Conman:
Send them this link:
rvat.org — Republican Voters Against Trump
Let them know they are not alone. And that everyone ‘make mistakes’ …
The key is NOT to make the same mistake TWICE.
America can just not afford 4 more years of this Trump Chaos. Just ask the growing list of Republicans who have seen the error of the ways ... the growing list of Republicans who are going to be Voting for Joe Biden, to try to repair the damage that Trump has done.
Before it’s too late.
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Trump departs the White House to visit outside St. John's Church, in Washington. The guy knows how NOT to ‘make an entrance’.