Well, friends, I’ve been persuaded to take the plunge and write my first ever (finally) diary.
Two friends and I had planned a trip to Williamsburg in April 2020 but COVID put the kibosh on that. This February, the folks at Colonial Williamsburg reached out and made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. As we were all fully vaccinated and suffering from cabin fever, we jumped at the chance to get away for a few days and to just hang out together.
I’m primarily a veggie gardener but I was thinking of you all as we strolled around and I took pictures of things I thought you’d enjoy seeing.
Boxwood maze at The Governor’s Palace.
This garden is maintained by the local Master Gardeners Group.
The sign said Prickly Pear.
The mix of formal and informal in this garden caught my eye.
I just love lilacs so how come I don’t have one? Gotta fix that!!
Iris and wisteria.
Parsley under glass.
We saw many of these.
I know this isn’t garden-related but I couldn’t resist this pet pig being walked down the Duke of Gloucester Street and wearing a pink sweater. I was smitten.
This was the house we stayed in. There was absolutely nothing going on in the garden behind it but the house itself was comfortable and perfectly situated so that we could walk everywhere.
So, that’s what was happening in April at Colonial Williamsburg. What’s happening in your gardens now?