Episode #215 of the Countdown podcast is up.
OnMy.FM link (which also links to his previous podcasts)
ivoox also carries his podcast.
- BULLETIN: It’s the Smoking Gun.
- Trump is on tape, not just ADMITTING that after he left office he KEPT classified top secret MILITARY plans for an American war on IRAN but BOASTING he kept them, AND describing the details of the American attack strategy, AND attributing the document to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, AND describing it to at least four people none of whom had the requisite security clearance to even know the document existed, let alone hear any of the details, AND saying he would like to share those details with them, AND then acknowledging he couldn’t because even an ex-president can’t just declassify whatever he wants, AND acting as if he is holding the top secret document in his hands as he’s talking about it, AND the conversation took place not at Mar-a-Lago but at his golf course in Bedminster New Jersey, AND the recorded conversation took place in July 2021 before Trump returned ANY of the documents he stole, AND two of the other people were there working on the autobiography of Mark Meadows, AND one of the others was his former White House press aide Margo Martin, AND Trump knew he was being recorded, AND the story of the meeting appears IN the Meadows Autobiography, AND this may be the tip of the Trump Tapes iceberg. Quoting CNN’s exclusive: “During the summer of 2021, sources say multiple people were making recordings of Trump as he held conversations with journalists and biographers.”
- And this tape is in the hands of … Special Counsel Jack Smith.
- Apply every cliche you can think of: this is a Smoking Gun inside a weapons depot filled with nothing BUT Smoking Guns. And that bit about tapes is just the tip of the iceberg because this isn't just "The" Trump Tape. It's The FIRST Trump Tape.
NOW can we arrest him???
- IN SPORTS: The Dodger disaster continues. They folded to the pressure of “The Catholic League” (which is one loud guy named Bill Donohue) and uninvited a Nun Drag group supported by actual Catholic Nuns. Since? Dodgers rightly attacked by LGBTQ community and local fans, so they reversed and RE-invited. Now they’ve been attacked by a pitcher for the Washington Nationals who has called for fans to boycott the Dodgers, and their own star twirler has announced a Christian Night at Dodger Stadium — evidently BEFORE the team was ready to.
- THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Someone claiming to be the wife of a serving marine says the president needs to be “executed publicly”. Elon Musk paid $44B for Twitter. One of his co-investors now says it’s worth $15B.
“How does Elon Musk make a small fortune?” “By starting with a large fortune.”
- And disgraced disloyal ex-General Mike Flynn has found a new calling: SELLING SPERM.
- EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY: Bentley was rescued by a clueless group which stuck him in a luxury kennel and he has to be ransomed!
- THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: I never wanted to do politics. Then one day I went from interviewing Chris Kattan on MSNBC to anchoring the 1998 State of the Union Address
That’s all the damage for now. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck!