ivoox also carries his podcast.
- (1:29) SPECIAL COMMENT: The “It was just free speech, you’re criminalizing the 1st Amendment” defense has been replaced. Trump’s lawyers, Fox News puppets, and even opponents are all rolling out a new one: John Eastman did it!
- Of course they are phrasing it differently. They are blaming it on Trump relying on “the advice of counsel”. It’s an ingenious strategy — you were too stupid to know your lawyer was an idiot.
In the case of Trump, I believe it.
And there’s also the well-known SNAFU Principle (“Communication is only possible between equals.”)
- But it really only damages Obstruction charges, and it would require Trump to testify. Still, it does indicate Trump will keep throwing different things at the wall to see what might stick.
- Plus, the media line for spaces at today’s arraignment of Trump in DC began to form before sunset last night. Trump is almost certain to be there, even though cameras won’t be. Trump’s January 6th Insurrection turns out to have helped destroy America’s credit rating.
Speaking of financial losses (and something not included in the summary but which is in the podcast), the Michigan Republican Party is within a few weeks of default and and possible bankruptcy. The bank account of the Michigan GOP got down to $53.81 before donors bailed it out. Colorado’s GOP is facing eviction because they can’t pay the rent. This is the party of business, remember?
And Trump’s PAC has lost 96% of its cash in the past year, mostly due to legal fees and the slowing of donation. And Trump was a “successful” businessman, remember?
Keith Olbermann still believes #6 is Bernie Kerik.
- And you don’t want to be Unidentified Co-Conspirator 1. The Rudy Giuliani tape transcripts are out from the rape and sexual abuse lawsuit against him and they actually ARE filled with slurs against Jews and gays and constant gross misogyny. I will give a dramatic reading [using “Eastman” in place of a certain word that refers to the female anatomy].
Also for the baseball fans out there, the worst team in 2023 MLB (the Kansas City Royals) have just won five games in a row. As of two weeks ago, they had not even won three games in a row.
At least this time, it’s not their own. (That was almost too easy.)
Yes, Keith did say “Spit”. I’d go for a slightly different word. Or maybe it should be “Eastman for brains”, continuing today’s theme ...
- (33:57) EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY: Theo, in Queens, needs a forever family!
- (35:19) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: Off by a day, but 44 years and a day ago, as a 20-year old rookie sportscaster and editor on a 1,000-station national radio network, I was literally walking into the booth for my first sportscast of the night when the news suddenly broke: The captain of the New York Yankees had died in a plane crash. That day will always be with me.
That’s all the damage for now. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck!