S2E18 of the Countdown podcast is up.
Omny.FM link (which also links to his previous podcasts)
ivoox also carries his podcast.
- (1:32) SPECIAL COMMENT: Trump needed just four hours and 25 minutes to violate the terms of his bail. Lock him up. Trump was granted pre-trial release on $200,000 bond in Atlanta at 3:30 PM yesterday, and at 7:55 PM he violated the terms of that bail, and now let’s see what Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee is made of.
- “The Defendant shall perform no act to intimidate any person known to him or her to be a co-defendant or witness in this case or OTHERWISE OBSTRUCT THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. This shall include, but is not limited to, the following: ” Paragraph E: “The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media." He didn’t even last four-and-a-half hours. Confirming CNN’s report that he will be booked in Atlanta on Thursday, Trump called the prosecutor a quote “radical left district attorney … who is overseeing one of the greatest murder and violent crime disasters in American history … she campaigned and is continuing to campaign and raise money on this witch hunt. This is in strict coordination with … Biden’s DOJ. It is all about election interference” unquote, none of which is true, and all of which is an attempt to obstruct the administration of justice and was made via “posts on social media or reposts of posts” and which should be greeted Thursday by the booking officers at Rice Street Jail in Atlanta by an order from Judge McAfee to detain him. Period.
- Trouble afterwards? Lindsey Graham’s “riots in the street”? Trump’s own threat of “death and destruction”? The countless bleatings of the sheep like Trump whores like Tim Pool about “civil war”? I’ll quote another Trump flunky, Jeffrey Clark: “That’s why there’s an insurrection act.” Trump is now out on bail … in three different states and the District of Columbia. He has CERTAINLY violated the terms of that bail with his spasm of threats against Judge Chutkan and Special Counsel Smith. Now, he has CERTAINLY violated the terms of that bail in Georgia. And soon or late, the remaining sane people in this country are going to have to reestablish the rule of law — or to call it by the name that Trump and his cult actually perceive it: the rule of being-afraid-you’ll-get-caught-and-sent-to-prison. We are GOING to HAVE to take the action without fear of taking the consequences, or the very MEANING of law itself in this nation will not just be erased, but will be rendered impossible to restore.
“We are in this nightmare [the Trump Presidency] because at some point we stopped punishing stupidity in this country.” — Keith Olbermann
- Trump’s supporters have forgotten that even if — like them — you DON’T have morals you are supposed to have a healthy fear of getting caught and going to prison. It’s goddamned time that we remind him. And the opportunity to do so falls to Judge Scott McAfee. You wrote it, Judge. And Trump broke it. He’s already in your jail on Thursday, Judge. Keep him there. Enforce the goddamned law.
- Also: Lindsey Graham’s constituents don’t know how America works.
- Also also: Fox will boycott Trump flunkies, because Trump has boycotted the debates.
- (34:34) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: MSNBC fired Rachel Maddow! Not recently, mind you. But they can only bury the ugly past so long. They offed her in 2005 because they thought it would make the Tucker Carlson show — on which she was a regular — better.
That’s all the damage for now. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck!