Franken will be in our fair town of Portland on Tuesday, and several of us will be going to see his live broadcast. Due to a connection I have, we managed to snag backstage VIP passes to hang around with Franken and Lanford after the show.
I don't generally go in for the whole star-struck thing, but I do want to use this opportunity to try wedge an idea into his head that he might be able to tout on the air. He has a great platform to speak from for mobilizing the faithful troops, and I couldn't live with myself if I just walked in and stuttered how funny he was on SNL and how much I enjoy Air America.
Currently, my plan is as follows:
I want to basically toss out an idea to him that I chronicled in
this diary
I can think of nothing more effective than to try to get him to use his base of listeners to organize a massive grassroots effort to force election reform from the bottom up. With 56 affiliates in well over half the states, we could have a nearly clean election in 2006. I'm of the opinion that we simply cannot wait for HAVA and other HAVA-assed attempts at reform from the Federal level, so this is what I'm thinking of proselytizing to him about right now.
Any one have any better ideas?