I've had some time to burn over the past three days and I've been reading diaries, threads, etc and I have to say as a Dean supporter that the level of hysteria about John Kerry is getting silly.
Sen. Kerry is by no means my first choice as a democratic nominee, but to be honest, before I started to explore Dean's record, I was willing to sign onto a Kerry campaign last year.
He's a solid democrat and has kept his nose pretty clean, at least as far as PAC contributions are concerned.
Let's get real folks, no one who's been in Washington for more than one term is going to have a voting record that you completely agree with.
Do I wish that he had challenged Bush on the Iraq vote? Yeah, I do, but that wasn't SOP for Washington Democrats in 2002.
The brilliance of Howard's campaign is that he's showed them that you can challenge Bush and still get votes.
And call it co-opting, stealing, or appropriation, he's been able to take parts of Dean's message and sell it to voters
That said, I don't think anyone in Washington could have anticipated just how stunningly incompetent the Bush administration would be in running the government. Everything, the War on Terror, the Economy, social programs, etc. have been mangled by these guys.
I'm not saying roll over and play dead, a lot can happen between now and March 2, but let's keep some perspective about Kerry's Democratic bonifides.