...is routine, is out of control, and is sanctioned by the Bush administration who has a very real hand in it.
To get a sample of how your tax dollars and those of your not-yet-born grandchildren are being siphoned off by the Vice President's former company, Halliburton, and others like Custer Battles, and how the Bush administration is refusing to deal with war profiterring in Iraq because it is deeply implicated in it, check out this recent Newsweek article:
War Profiteering in Iraq
more below the fold
The Bush administration is bent on preventing anyone from revealing how much war profiteering and government fraud and waste are occuring in Iraq, for a simple reason: it's involved in it at every level.
Not surprisingly the Newsweek article states
"...when...two whistle-blowers sued Custer Battles on behalf of the U.S. government--under a U.S. law intended to punish war profiteering and fraud--the Bush administration declined to take part. 'The government has not lifted a finger to get back the $50 million Custer Battles defrauded it of,' says Alan Grayson, a lawyer for the two whistle-blowers, Pete Baldwin and Robert Isakson. In recent months the judge in the case, T. S. Ellis III of the U.S. District Court in Virginia, has twice invited the Justice Department to join the lawsuit without response."
This is like calling Tammany Hall during the infamous reign of Boss Tweed and demanding an investigation into corruption. It is not going to happen.
We need Spitzer or Kerry or Hillary to set up an independent War Profiteering investigation. Of all the posibilities for impeachment, this would be one of the best.