Maybe i'm missing something here, but I don't know why democrats are even split on this issue at all.
Most americans aren't flag burners, myself included.
However, isn't the right to do so one of the things that distinctly makes this country a shining example of what free speech & true democracy is?!
Isn't this an example of what seperates us from our enemies?
People wear and beat up flag ball cap, ties, pants(aka napoleon dynamite dojo toughguy zubaz), shirts etc...without a care.
Most of the american flags I see hanging off car antennas are beat and tattered all to hell.
Repubs are using this as a devisive issue as a catalyst to frame democrats as "unpatriotic"
As usual, there are a good portion of dems that have allowed the repubs to frame the issue lock, stock, and barrel.
What's unpatriotic is infringing on our 1st amendment rights!
What's unpatriotic is making it illegal to destroy any symbol or political expression the government sees fit.
This legislation is nothing short of FACISM. Anyone who thinks this legislation is about whether you think flag burning is "wrong" or not, is short sighted to put it mildly.
On top of that, GOP'ers always claim to be the party of less government, except when it involves personal freedoms!
Just pathetic.