Evening all. I made a couple boo-boos in this morning's Cheers and Jeers, so I'm posting it again here (facing the wrath of Kos under rule #3, but only for the sake of accuracy and the huge demand on the part of evening bloggers from around the entire world and that little part of Indiana that never changes time zones).
Plus I have put up a poll that I forgot to do this morning (Damn you, irrevocable SUBMIT button!!)
(The column is in the extended copy box...so at least I'm following rule #4. God, this is like blogging for my mother...)
Cheers and Jeers for Tuesday, February 10, 2004
CHEERS to Jack Daniels and Virginia Gentleman. Tennessee and Virginia are in the primary crosshairs today, and Wes Clark and John Edwards may need a swig of these native libations if they lose.
CHEERS to movement in the Valerie Plame investigation. Press Secretary Scott McClellan and an aide testify before a grand jury investigating outing of undercover CIA agent. But invoking the Sgt. Schultz gambit ("I know Nnnnothing! Nnnnothing!") could be risky. Memo to Cheney: Hot enough for ya?
CHEERS to Erin McClam. AP writer wins our `Opening Sentence of the Month' award for this gem: "In an abrupt collision of Martha Stewart's cooking expertise and her criminal stock-fraud trial, a secretary burst into tears on the witness stand while describing a gift of plum pudding from the homemaking mogul." Aw, just give him the Pulitzer.
JEERS to aloof employers. Wall Street Journal/Gallup poll says 61% of U.S. workers say they received no meaningful rewards or recognition for their efforts last year. Hence the creation of today's Hallmark holiday: Give Your Boss a Wedgie Day.
CHEERS to Howard Dean's future prospects. Opens fortune cookie during flight out of Maine with message that reads: "Speak more Chinese, honey." Hmm. Secretary of State gig in the works...or bean sprout plucker at LaChoy?
CHEERS to the battle of presidential machismo. Kerry rides Harleys, plays hockey, and beat the crap out of commies in the hostile jungles of Vietnam. `W' rides in a limo, plays golf and flew a nearly-obsolete plane over the hostile skies of Texas. But he'd win a squint-off in a walk. Dang.
CHEERS to Mark Shields. CNN columnist and writer invokes this Garrison Keillor classic in his latest syndicated column: "George W. Bush's lips are where words go to die." The rest of his column is pretty good, too: http://www.creators.com/opinion_show.cfm?columnsName=msh
JEERS to more public deception on Iraq intel. AP says the "public" version of intelligence community's pre-war analysis omitted some trivial details contained in the "top-secret" version: like "dissenting opinions, warnings about insufficient information, and doubts about Saddam's intentions." Which explains the scorch marks on the authors' pants.
JEERS to being a fish at the wrong place at the wrong time. Large cruise ships generate up to 8 tons of solid waste and 210,000 gallons of sewage per week, says The Week magazine. Double that when seas are choppy.
JEERS to job satisfaction. WSJ Poll says 71% consider themselves "disengaged-clock-watchers" who can't wait to go ho... [continued tomorrow]