The federal trial against Big Tobacco has been in the works in one way or another for about six years. At one time in the early days of the Bush Administration, it appeared that Attorney General Ashcroft was considering dropping the lawsuit altogether, but then he surprised everyone by pursuing it anyway.
Now it comes as no surprise to anyone that the Justice Department under Bush has proposed a remedy for the defendants that is just a fraction of what the government's own witness suggested in the trial as an appropriate punishment for the lies and deceptions the tobacco industry perpetrated on its customers.
The judge in the tobacco trial has indicated that she will listen to arguments for about two more weeks before starting to consider the verdict, which could take months. This leaves a little time to pressure the Bush Administration to stand up to Big Tobacco and put forth in court the original penalty called for: a huge anti-smoking campaign financed by tobacco industry coffers.
Please take a moment, and use this link to tell the Bush Justice Department to stand up for the health and well-being of our fellow Americans by making the tobacco industry take the full toll of their misdeeds:
Thank you.