The State of Our Nation can be summed up in this Russian saying: "The Fish Rots from the Head".
Have We come to a point in time in the existence of the United States of America where integrity does not matter in politics, in business, everyday interaction, and especially with the affairs of the President of the United States? I speak specifically of clear bias of the leaders of our current government here in 2005 towards the interest of the rich and corporations at the neglect of the working class and the poor, and of lies from the lips of politicians from the President G.W. Bush, to Former Halliburton Executive/V.P. Dick Cheney, to the White Collar Criminal Tom Delay. Just in the past few weeks Vice President Dick Cheney said the insurgency in Iraq was ending; and several Generals in Command of our Military said the exact opposite. This is a shame. Domestic Programs are being shipped away. Veterans Affairs has a shortfall, the Federal Government will no longer pay for Psychiatric Medications for persons on assistance programs and now these Neo Cons want to tamper with the Social Security Program. These are simply examples of many of how our nation is being mislead and sold out. In my humble opinion the Neo Cons that have taken over our country are seeking to create a nation of the Rich and of Peasants. Do you want to be a Peasant, indebted too, and therefore own by your government or a corporation? This is the true face of the Ownership Society that President Bush gives speeches on. Open you're your eyes and don't take my word for it.
Have We come to a point in time in the existence of the United States of America where the values of Justice & Freedom do not matter in politics, in business, everyday interaction, and especially with the affairs of the President of the United States? I speak of the people we have incarcerated and occupied their Country in the Wars on Terror, Iraq and Afghanistan and we assert that these people have no rights, no right to Due Process, and these procedures are being done in ways that circumvent oversight by the American by being held on foreign lands and in the jurisdiction of the military. America has always held a higher standard, even in War, and the very documents our nation was founded on declare that All men possess the same Rights no matter American citizen or low life dirty terrorist. And honestly I have to say; African Americans & Jews you must see something wrong in what our government is doing in these wars. I know this issue is very sensitive for me. We must do what is simply right when it comes a persons freedom, when it comes to Justice, when it comes to lives.
Have We come to a point in time in the existence of the United States of America where accountability does not matter in politics, in business, everyday interaction, and especially with the affairs of the President of the United States? I speak specifically for President Bush not admitting mistakes and taking the blame, and frankly apologizing for nationally mistakes made during his presidency. President Harry Truman realized this and he had a saying " The Buck Stops Here".