Bob Ney is a targeted Republican.
The Fix lists him as #4 targeted and
Stuart Rothenberg labeled him the most endangered House incumbent. It's no wonder why Bob Ney has resorted to attacking his opponent Zack Space so early.
If you haven't been following the drama, Ney ran an robocall earlier this week attacking Zack Space for being a guest on the Rachel Maddow Show on Air America. He went on to attack Ms. Maddow and say Zack Space wouldn't be a good Congressman because he was interviewed by a lesbian. The robocall actually said "a cross dressing lesbian." It's some pretty negative politics. Find more here and here.
This story gets more interesting because yesterday Ney decided to PROTECT child molesters by voting AGAINST much-needed funding for the Cyber Crimes Unit of the Department's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to fight sexual predators and child pornography! [HR 5441, vote #215, 5/25/06]
How hypocritical can you get Bob? One day you attack lesbians and your opponent for not having "values" and the next day you show your true values by protecting child molesters and supporting child pornography? Whatever values those are I doubt they are in sync with the voters of Ohio... Or voters anywhere!
Maybe Bob Ney was too busy attacking his opponent and playing partisan politics to understand what he was voting against. Boy did he ever get it wrong.
Here is what Bob Ney voted AGAINST:
"... an amendment offered by Congressman Bart Stupak which adds $5 million in much-needed funding for the Cyber Crimes Unit of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). These are the people on the front lines of the battle against child exploitation. In 2003, ICE launched Operation PREDATOR, which is administered through their Cyber Crimes Center. Since 2003, Operation PREDATOR has arrested more than 7,500 child predators, more than 88% of whom were non-US citizens." - Source
Bob Ney says that Zack Space and the Democrats don't share his "values" and "morals". For once he has told the truth. No Democrat -- and I don't think anyone except Bob Ney and a handful of Republicans that support child molesters -- share THOSE kinds of values.