Cross-posted on ConyersBlog
- The Republican Party relentlessly portrays itself as the Master Race of American politics. Only the GOP Master Race can protect The Homeland from evil foreigners and from "traitors" within.
- Liberals are reviled by Master Race Republicans as the cause of every problem in society, and their leaders are treated with contempt or sneering condescension because they are inherently inferior and treacherous.
- Master Race Republicans believe themselves to be above the law. Since only the GOP Master Race can save America from evil, they have the moral right to ignore foolish laws which limit their ability to protect The Homeland.
- Master Race Republicans use religion as a weapon to demonize their opponents, and portray them as evil threats to the safety, sanctity, and moral purity of The Homeland.
- Master Race Republicans are devious propagandists, and use their control of the media to spread and perpetuate fear of foreign "enemies" and loathing of domestic "enemies" in order to expand their power and control over society.
- The GOP Master Race's Great Leader must not be criticized. He is the Ultimate Patriot. Attacks on him are attacks on Amerika, embolden our "enemies", and reveal the treachery of defeatist critics.
- The GOP Master Race glorifies militarism and lashes out at anyone who does not "support" our gallant soldiers, who are "loyal" guardians of The Homeland and defenders of the Great Leader.
- The GOP Master Race politically indoctrinates the troops by restricting their access to news sources that are "unpatriotic" and "defeatist."
- Master Race Republicans peddle Social Darwinism in order to justify their de facto racist and elitist economic and social policies. The rich deserve to be rich because they are intellectually and morally superior, and the poor deserve to be poor because they are intellectually and morally inferior.
- The GOP Master Race is ensuring the ideological purity and loyalty of government agencies and bureaucracies by removing or intimidating career professionals, and replacing them with rigidly loyal party hacks.
- The GOP Master Race is subverting the entire electoral structure and process in order to establish totalitarian power over all three branches of the government.
- The GOP Master Race is expanding government surveillance of citizens to Orwellian extremes, and justifies this as a patriotic necessity. The Great Leader must not be weakened by subversive, domestic dissent.
- The GOP Master Race demands complete and unquestioning support for any military action against any foreign state the Great Leader identifies as a threat.
- As the GOP Master Race conducts its endless "war on terror", it vilifies anyone who criticizes the Great Leader "in a time of war" as an impediment to victory and thus a threat to the government.
Too many Americans have the naive impression no one is a fascist unless they bellow fiery speeches in a foreign language and stomp around in hob-nailed boots. Too many other Americans have no problem with fascism, as long as everyone pretends it's democracy.
Fascism is a political attitude characterized by a lust for power, intolerance, elitism, militarism, racism, demonizing foreign and domestic enemies, the establishment of church/state/big business control, rigid loyalty, and an ends justifies the means mentality.
Bush and the GOP passed the boundaries of excessive partisanship long ago. They have become fascists.
They dress well and have nice haircuts, but that just makes them WELL-DRESSED, NICELY-GROOMED FASCISTS.
Fortunately, the average American voter doesn't have to be able to define fascism or recognize a fascist when they see one in order to understand that their federal government is betraying them.
It may take one more Bush/GOP outrage, or two, or maybe even three, but then THE. SHIT. IS. GOING. TO. HIT. THE. FAN.