The war isn't over, but the first battle was won by opponents. Frist/Daschle came
three votes shy of victory.
On a 57-40 vote, supporters failed by three votes to cut off debate on the legislation, which they said would increase and diversify energy production and provide farmers an economic boost by expanding use of corn-based ethanol.
They needed 60 votes under the Senate's rules to close debate on the bill and move on to a final vote. The House passed the legislation earlier this week.
"This will not be the last vote on this bill," said Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn. "We're going to keep voting until we pass it and get it to the president."
The horsetrading must be fast and furios on the Senate floor right now, as Frist hopes to take another vote later in the day.
The roll call can be found here. Nevada's Reid, Daschle's deputy in the Senate Dem leadership, voted against the bill.
Notable "Nay" votes, and ones to watch as this drama plays out, are Hawaii's two senators, who usually team up with their Alaska counterparts, IN's Bayh (huge surprise from huge corn-producing state), WV's Byrd and Rockefeller (coal producing state), and AR's Pryor (conservative Dem).
Edwards and Kerry missed the vote. Lieberman voted "Nay".