Too much of what they offer amounts to democratic self-abuse.
For the most part, it's really boring.
Al Franken is really great. Mike Malloy is good in moderation (if I listened to Malloy all of the time, I would have to go out and kill some of these fuckers). I've enjoyed Thom Hartmann's show for years.
"Ring of Fire" is the best thing on all of radio, unfortunately Pap and Bobby are only on once a week (happily I can subscribe to the podcasts on iTunes, which is awesome).
Other than that -- snore.
Most of them just talk about how outrageous the republicans are. They cite examples of outrageous things they do that they read about in today's New York Times or Mother Jones, and I am supposed to be shocked and outraged. I'm supposed to jump out of my chair and wave my fist, and get on the phone with my republican congressman.
Maybe if I call his office every day, they'll laugh at me. They'll remember my name, they'll await my calls, and I'll become the local crackpot.
Seems painfully obvious that the main problem with our government is corruption, period. All of our elected representatives, democrat and republican, are too dependant on bribery money to effectively govern. Sadly, even John McCain doesn't talk about that anymore.
I don't even keep up with the news, but nothing these people tell me shocks me or outrages me. It just kind of bores me. Didn't 60 Minutes tell us that all of our phone calls and Internet communications were being monitored YEARS ago? Like maybe 2002?
I used to get shocked and outraged. After continuous pummeling with shock and outrage you just start to feel like inflicting more on yourself is simply self-abusive punishment. You start to avoid it. You lose touch. It's a self-preservation thing.
Look, I get it. I'm never voting republican again. I'll continue to vote for democrats. There. I'm doing my part.
The personalities are flat. Ever think Jerry Springer could be boring? I actually thought his phony TV show was pretty amusing. Went to see it live once. I'm so disappointed by his blathering radio show. Did he forget how to be entertaining?
Randy Rhodes? Well, let's just say she's definitely not flat. Politically, I think she's very smart and agree with her 100 percent of the time. Her insights just keep getting better and better. Unfortunately, she's got the kind of personality you either just love or it just grates on you like fingernails on a chalkboard. I bear no ill will. Let's just say I don't think I would enjoy going on a date with her.
As for the rest, I can't even remember most of their names.
What they don't seem to understand is that radio needs to be entertaining. Guys, look at what Al Franken is doing. This guy really gets it. He's not preaching to me, he already knows I agree. Instead, he's making fun of Bill O'Reilly, and I'm laughing!! That's what it has to be about.
Go to and download some excerpts from Mike Malloy. Venom-filled that they are, they are outrageously funny!! He gets it too!!
And Pap and Bobby do not need to crack open today's newspaper to know what's going on. These guys are so expert that guess what? They can actually teach me something! Plus I wish I could get about a day's worth of Pap Attacks to keep me entertained. They get it too!
I hate to quote Mary Poppins, but a spoonful of sugar really does help the medicine go down.
So start entertaining me first. Everything else has to come second.
And get some different ads. Talk about self-abuse, I can't stand to listen to the same ads anymore. Especially with that one announcer. Hey, we're smart democrats, remember? We all know the guy who set up the debt-management plan with his fake wife is the same guy who announces 99 percent of the other ads.
So that's what you need to do. And have a nice day.