Blowhard Chris Vance, marinating in sour grapes, has launched
an all out offensive on King County voters prior to Tueday's election:
Hundreds of worried and angry voters deluged the King County elections department Friday with calls questioning a Republican-backed effort challenging their right to vote in Tuesday's election, elections officials said.
State GOP Chairman Chris Vance acknowledged some challenges were brought in error and would be withdrawn. But he vigorously defended the undertaking overall and promised more of the same.
Chris Vance learned the lessons of Ohio 2004 and Florida 2000 very, very well.
One voter was particularly offended by the GOP's action:
The spark for the political firestorm was the delivery of certified letters Thursday from the county elections department to voters on the GOP hit list, which totaled 1,774 names after duplicates were eliminated. The letters informed the voters of the challenge and cited the state law requiring voters to register at a valid residence address.
"I'm extremely disappointed and angry at the audacity of this woman and the party she represents," said Demene Hall, who got one of the letters. Hall has lived for 16 years at the Watermarke apartment building at 320 Cedar St. in Seattle, her registration address.
Hall, who said she is "too African American" not to be a regular voter, said Friday she came of age in the civil rights era and watched her parents hand out political fliers outside polling places they were not allowed to enter.
"We just buried Rosa Parks on Wednesday, I got the letter on Thursday and today is my 57th birthday," she said. "And they're challenging my validity?"
George Bush's GOP talks the talk of easing the effects of racism, promoting African Americans to prominent positions, working against the soft bigotry of low expectations. But when the rubber hits the road, when the hurricane blows in, the truth behind the party is revealed in actions like these.