Why Why so few people care about this is beyond me.
We really need to hit this people. I am not the organizer type but someone needs to organize a large and proper reaction to this. We must take this on or we can all say goodbye to the internet as we know it. Maybe it won't be the Chinese version but what they are doing will effectively accomplish the same thing. It will control and quash dissent and the grassroots!
(I do not know if this has already been posted but I am amazed that there is so little interest when this could effectively kill off our blogs, our access, our netroots!)
Please take this seriously. We need to find a way to frame, define, shorten and take this on!
Below is part of the MyDD blog by Matt Stoller...
Please read below the fold..
About ten days ago, the House Telecom Subcommittee voted down strong net neutrality protection, thus paving the way for telecom companies to become gatekeepers of the internet and deliver web pages at different speeds based on who pays more. This is a serious problem, because it means anyone with a web page may soon have to pay each telecom company separately to have their web page delivered reliably to consumers, and consumers will all experience a randomly slower web. At some point soon, you may be able to access MyDD if you have RCN, but not if you have Comcast. And if you want video streaming, well, that's extra, because the phone company says so.
Here are the Verizon six:
Eliot Engel: NY-17
Bart Stupak: MI-01
Ed Towns: NY-10
Al Wynn: MD-04
Charlie Gonzales: TX-20
Bobby Rush: IL-01
Read the rest here: