Despite my recent posts, I am not interested in becoming '9/11 guy', or especially 'Tinfoil Man'. Just happens that my Xmas vacation 'fun' involved figuring out what the hell happened on 9/11. My own conclusion is that doubts about the official story are well-founded, though there's a lot of 9/11 noise out on the internets (some pointed out in response to my previous posting). Even the best books/sites seem to occasionally bark up the wrong tree, IMO, but I don't see where such missteps (in a befogged terrain) turn everything into tinfoil.
A few people asked for Web links after my previous post, so a good one is provided below. If you're interested, have a look. I have said my bit about this particular topic.
I do suggest that people take a look at the facts, particularly books like David Ray Griffin's
The New Pearl Harbor and
9/11 Commission -- Omissions and Distortions, and Michael Ruppert's
Crossing the Rubicon. A good and free Web 9/11 collection can be found
I make no recommendation about the general views at oilempire (and it is one ugly website), but the 9/11 material is particularly thorough, and does a good job of debunking mis/disinformation like the WTC 'missiles/pods', the Pentagon 'missile', and other 9/11 noise. Truth is, there's enough suspicious behavior here that way-out theories are not required.