I just learned that VP Cheney will be coming to Phoenix on March 15th to host a fund-raiser for the Republican incumbent Rick Renzi.
Click here to read the article. Here are some of the important quotes:
"Renzi is getting another boost from the White House this election cycle. Last year, Cheney held a fund raiser for Renzi in Washington and top Bush advisor Karl Rove held one in Paradise Valley."
"President George W. Bush held a $1.8 million fund raiser at the Biltmore in November..."
"Tickets for the March event will be $250 per plate for the main luncheon and a $1,000 per person for VIP reception."
"Renzi is receiving substantial business backing, including support from Wal-Mart Stores, AFLAC, Cigna, Eli Lilly and Pinnacle West Capital Corp."
This is why we so desperately need your help. More inside.
You can see from the article that Renzi will have to continue to vote straight along with the party if he wins. He is merely a puppet for the regime.
Well, we need regime change in my congressional district and we really need your help. To compete with the money that Bush/Cheney/Rove will raise from the rich in metro Phoenix, we will need your help.
Please take a moment and contribute to Paul Babbitt's campaign. And remember to add 3 cents to your contribution so that the Babbitt staff will learn the importance of the online progressive community.
Even though we may not be able to compete completely against the Bush/Cheney/Rove money-machine, we have a very strong candidate. Paul Babbitt is the brother of Bruce Babbitt and the Babbitt name carries weight in this state. Paul has lived in the district his whole life compared to the carpetbagger one-term Renzi. Plus we outnumber republicans in our district.
Renzi only won by 3 percent in the last election and we had a very weak candidate who was at a huge financial disadvantage. This is definitely a seat we can pick-up.
Please contribute + 3 cents today.