What's the best way to read the dailykos website?
I check in about three times a day and (speed)read as much as I can. But I get lost in traffic when there is a lot going by, as there was while OH-2 results were coming in.
With the confluence of lates news about Hackett and OH-2, MSM reporting about same, and then Rush Limbaugh's "staff puke" comment, even with the SEARCH function I couldn't pull it together when I came back to the site later on.
Is there a place this all might have come together on the website, along with links for taking action? Shouldn't we be doing massive letter writing campaigns to the media in cases like this?
Below the fold is my bit of activism on the Limbaugh "staff puke" issue, even though I couldn't find a definition for the expression, I got the gist.
After glancing around various posts on dailykos.com I decided I had to submit this comment on the Google News website. Next I'd like to know how to contact the Armed Forces Radio that carries Limbaugh.
I was looking for results of the Jean Schmidt vs. Paul Hackett Congressional election around the time when the polls were closing and up came Rush Limbaugh on your Google news website. Mr. Limbaugh commented today that Major Hackett was just a "staff puke" in Iraq. Real news sources do not use such terminology and it is deeply offensive that you dignify Rush Limbaugh's irresponsible and frequently factually erroneous commentary by featuring it on your website. REAL news outlets, by the way, are those that report accurately on the murder and maiming in Iraq of "staff pukes." I do hope you have some experienced human beings to moderate the quality and accuracy of "Google News" and will address this deplorable situation. Thank you.