We all know that one of the key figures in selling the war to the American people along side Judith Miller has been touring Washington D.C. this week. None other than Ahmed Chalabi or as I like to call him the
Rogue of Petra. But why bring such a disgraceful figure back into the fold?
More after the flip...
Because December 15th might be the last chance the neocons get to install Chalabi as thier puppet on ther throne. And they make no bones about it.
Harball transcript, November 10, 2005:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, what role do you think he played in the run-up to war? What role did he play? Scooter Libby was feeding the "New York Times," one of your competitors. He was feeding the "New York Times" stuff.
FRUM: I think probably his most important role was that he provided hope that there could be a better kind of government in Iraq than either Saddam or--either Saddam or...
MATTHEWS: The war was fought for the stick, though, wasn't it?
FRUM: Or some other kind of general. One of the reasons the United States did not go all the way in 1990 and '91 was the question was, if you got rid of Saddam, what would you replace him with? When Chalabi came along, it was possible to imagine somebody who was better.
And by better Mr. Frum means, on the neocons pocket. Its obvious that these morons don't learn from history. After their failures with the Shah, Noriega and Saddam himself, they still think they can rule the world by proxy.
Which begs the question to all, on this Veteran's Day, is that a good enough reason to add 2,000+ names to the rolls of the dead?