This is
the smartest f*cking thing I've seen any of the campaigns do. It's so smart I'm almost willing to swear on Kos. The blog states:
By voting now, you won't have to do it on election day, when traffic, weather, work, illness or any other factor can make it difficult to reach the polls. Also, if you vote now, you can spend election day volunteering to help get out the vote.
More importantly, by voting now, Howard Dean has already secured votes no matter what happens with him or any of the other candidates between now and January 19th, January 27th, February 3, etc. It's an excellent strategy to defy a potential comeback by John Kerry or a strong showing by Wes Clark in the early primary states that increases his momentum. I'm dumbfounded why I don't see anything similar on the other campaigns' websites.
So this leads me to a discussion point: What do you think were some of the more "brilliant" campaign moves of this primary campaign thus far? And while I'm sure we'll hear tons of Dean strategies, I'd really like to hear what you liked of the other campaigns ... because although one candidate will be the victor, they all did something smart along the way.