Jeez, not only can Rush Limbaugh not take his painkillers, but now he's been briefly detained for having Viagra. How much pain can a man take without OxyContin?
Rush. Poor boy Rush. Only a seven digit income (before the decimal) and now he has to endure the ridicule of millions of right-thinking Americans. Just contemplate: he has worked tirelessly to rid America of every ounce of political decency, to rid America of purveyors and users of illegal drugs, and to free us from all sense of reason. A man like this deserves to have his cock -- I mean cake -- and eat it too.
Stand up, America! Let's support Rush and his efforts to completely annihilate the moral and nominally Christian base that he appeals to! Go, babe! Want some illegal advice? Keep doing what you have been doing. It is sooo helpful.