Post your suggestions here for altering the format of the debates with the purpose of making them more entertaining and more informative. I'll start with an idea I had while posting to an earlier diary:
- Fine a candidate $5000 in campaign funds every time he/she fails to answer the question (as judged by a panel of political science professors) or goes over time. The fines go into a large pot that is tracked by a giant jumbo-tron display over their heads. At the end of the debate, the panel votes on the winner, and that person takes home the loot.
- Line up a dozen journalists to be the moderator. Every time one asks a question, the candidates all secretly press a button on their podiums that indicates whether they think it's a good question or not. A moderator can keep asking questions until a majority of the candidates vote "bad" on a question, then he goes to the back of the line, and the next moderator steps in.
- When candidates hit the time limit, the academy awards music is pumped in.