In another one from the "Never listen to Republicans" category, Bill Frist has decided to tell the Federalist Society** that the
filibustering of judicial nominees must stop. Apparently, this only remaining weapon to keep the minority voice heard, which has been used on 10 out of over 200 nominees, joins gay marriage and goddamn corporate taxes as a priority of the nation which must be stopped at all costs.
Republican Senators, who are in the majority, collectively represent approximately 160 million people.
Democrats, in the minority, represent 170 million.
I especially love this piece:
Frist said filibustering judicial nominees is "radical. It is dangerous and it must be overcome. The Senate must be allowed to confirm judges who fairly, justly and independently interpret the law."
So, apparently, blocking 10 out of over 200 appointees, and reducing the judicial vacancy rate to the lowest point ever is "radical" and "dangerous" and "must be overcome". So the non-radical, non-dangerous way is to approve every single judge George W. Bush nominates, no matter how many crazy-ass things they've said and done from the bench. And especially when they're
rabidly, openly, publicly anti-choice. And let's not forget that some of his appointments have been {cue scary music} activist judges.
By the way, nice how they're calling the filibuster, a tradition dating back to the first days of the constitutional convention, a "new and destructive practice"...of course, that's because being on the wrong end of a filibuster is new to them and destructive to their radical agenda.
Anyhoozle, the morons who control all three branches and don't know anything about tradition despite their ever-present use of the word, will again try to change the rules of the Senate to favor their inevitable lock-step approval of every bag of rolling dried-up turds with legs that George W. Bush nominates.
Again. They're whiners who cry like little babies at the slightest difficulty. They are not qualified to lead a city council, much less a country. They are radicals with an anti-traditional agenda aimed only at increasing their power at the expense of ordinary Americans. They control the media and cry and whine about that. They control all three branches of the Federal government, and not only do they cry and whine about that, they don't seem to be aware of the fact. They hate anyone who doesn't look or act like them, and cry and whine when anyone who doesn't look or act like them is given the equal rights which the constitution guarantees them.
I will repeat this every time they do something stupid. You're going to get tired of it, because you're going to hear it a LOT.
to repeat:
Republican Senators, who are in the majority, collectively represent approximately 160 million people.
Democrats, in the minority, represent 170 million.
**Federalist Society: the most influential society in the country that doesn't understand that they represent a political method our founding fathers came together to destroy because of its singular failure to run the country.
{cross-posted at Switzerblog}