You know, the constant worry warts and naysayers that write "What's Wrong With Kerry" posts in bloggerland are funny and a little pathetic. Let one poll come out that doesn't have our boy ahead and people are ready to think the sky is falling. I'm sure Kerry looks at a lot of the people that go over to the Kerry blog to rant about him not having a message and he laughs at your weak knees and thin support. He remembers Iowa and understands how apolitical and detached the electorate is from day to day politics until shortly before the election. He remembers the polls that had him at 4% nationally. He remembers when everyone was mystifyingly annointing Dean. He remembers how so many activists were out of touch with the masses. The one thing I credit Kerry and his team for, more than anything, is being smarter than nearly all of the pundits, bloggers, and the pessimists and sticking to his plan when most want to change strategies with every new poll. People, how about let's stop shifting our support for Kerry like the changing winds (or polls).