While there are several candidates to carry the Dem mantle in November, it looks to me like there are only two viable contenders: Mike Miles and Ken Salazar. I've never heard Miles and Salazar doesn't seem to have a website or any particular outreach to voters for the upcoming April 13 caucus, so how am I supposed to make up my mind?
I've got a lot of respect for Miles, since he stood up for what he believed and began the fight against a much stronger opponent in Ben Nightmare Campbell when the big names in the party seemed cowed. And I read his positions on his campaign website; he's on target in my book. But I've yet to hear him speak, either in person or recorded, so I can't judge whether he has sufficient charisma to be a persuasive candidate in Nov.
As I've said elsewhere, Salazar has never done anything I've noticed as A.G. to really piss me off, but I haven't been able to find any information on his plans, positions, platform, etc. It strikes me that he's just hoping to get the nod at caucus because he's the bigger statewide name. And that may work. And it may be the best thing for the Party and the best opportunity to retake the Senate. But I can't help feeling that I'm being asked to buy a pig in a poke here.
Any comments on Salazar's platform or Miles' charisma (ability to win in Nov.) would be greatly appreciated. I won't be able to participate too much in the comments below (at work), but will try to check back periodically.