Here's a few questions I'd like to see the various "investigative bodies" ask the various GOP members they're investigating, that I'd like to see the press pick up and run with, and/or which I wish the General Public would ask, rhetorically.
Just how many freakin' investigations of the Bush Administration/Republican Congress are there, currently?
Follow-up: how does this honestly reflect upon Republican truthfulness? (an oxymoron, to be sure) The large number surely must mean something...
Why even bother going through the sham of all of these investigations? The majority of the investigations are inward-pointing, meaning that someone, or someones, directed that an investigation into his/her/their own activities. Wouldn't it just be simpler and waste fewer taxpayer dollars and take less time if those being investigated would just speak openly with the public about what is being investigated?
Follow up: again, how does this reflect upon the notion of Republican truthfulness? After all, if someone believes they can get away with something if enough time passes, what do they do? Stall for time.
Whenever news that's bad for the Administration comes out, the various members of the Administration fan out onto the press circuit. Time after time, they cannot seem to get their stories straight. In fact, the only thing it seems to be coordinated is a smear of the person delivering the bad news in the first place. Why can't they get their act together?
Follow up: once again, how is this reflective of Republican truthfulness? Furthermore, if these guys can't even properly coordinate an exercise in "kill-the-messenger", how can anyone think they can properly run this country?