Wal-Mart provides good jobs with excellent advancement opportunities to our 1.2 million U.S. associates. Interested in making a difference in your life? Consider the many opportunities available at Wal-Mart. We're looking for great people for great jobs.
- From the company's web site,
"More than two-thirds of our people are either college students, first jobs, learning to work, they're senior citizens who are supplementing an income that they already have or they are second-income earners for that family meaning that many of our folks are not trying to support a family on wages. They already have health care through another source, either through their family, through a working spouse, through a retirement program or through Medicare, for example. That's who our jobs are designed for. Those are the folks that we recruit."
Wal-Mart Spokeswoman Mona Williams on PBS' NewsHour, August 23, 2004.
[Two-year Wal-Mart employee Jared] West said the company doesn't compensate people fairly, such as allowing a 10-year employee to make just 20 cents an hour more than a two-year employee.
The Greeley (CO) Tribune, June 17, 2005.
West is leading an effort in Greeley to organize the Wal-Mart where he works. Godspeed Jared! Watch out for the goons from Bentonville who must already be there by now.