Sadly enough, I'm a flaming liberal...but I just had to say it.
I want UNIVERSAL Health Care.
I want a Living Wage.
I want gay marriage.
I want a woman to have a choice.
I want the military industrial complex put to rest.
I want the "War on Drugs" ended immediately.
I want a concentrated effort to get off oil.
I want a revamp of the Prison-Industrial complex.
I want to sign the Kyoto treaty.
I want to stick to the Geneva Conventions.
I want equally funded public schools.
I don't want to be spied on.
Oh, one more thing...
I want 9/11 to be fully investigated.
The question thus becomes...what do the "Reality Based Community" bloggers think about the official story? Your silence wont cut it anymore.
You can call me a tin-foil hat wearing, anti-american, conspiracy theorist, whack job that fell off the end of the short bus...but in the end I'm just like the rest of you all: I love my country and I want equality and justice for all.
And just because investigating 9/11 might cause pain for some democrats in these 2006 mid-term elections, I AM NOT willing to put my values and convictions aside. Are you? Over and over, I hear so called "reality based" posters claim that we are making it to "easy" for the right to call us whack jobs. Wake up - that's always going to happen! For god's sake, they call Hillary and John Kerry the most liberal Senators we have.
Furthermore, not only has there been a blackout in coverage over discrepancies in the official 9/11 story in the MSM... this "Reality Based Community" has now also become part of the problem. (with the exception of Rawstory and the Brad Blog)
Every single main "Reality Based" blog did not write one word about the latest Zogby Poll that claimed that 70 million Americans (42%), believe that there is a cover up behind 9/11. That's complete utter bullshit. Any one of the main bloggers (kos, bowers, john, christy, marshall, glenn, steve g., steve c., kevin, juan, duncan, digby, etc.) could have at least had the courage to call us 42% out as whack-jobs. But they didn't. They ignored the story just like the rest of the main stream media has.
Let me just give you a few interesting numbers from the poll:
The US and 9/11 Commission are covering up 9/11 -
- 61% of Liberals agree
- 53% of Hispanics agree
- 47% of African Americans agree
Should the attack of 9/11 be reinvestigated -
- 65% of Liberals agree
- 66% of Hispanics agree
- 64% of African Americans agree
Tell me, what percentage is it going to take for the liberal blogosphere to start discussing the holes in the official story? And don't give me the shit about this has already been discussed. There are new revelations coming out every week about the 9/11 cover up - if you don't want to write about the different flight paths...then how about you blog about the "Pakistan bribed 9/11 commission" story.
But here's my hunch...just like the MSM knows what actually happened on 9/11, the "Reality Based" liberal blogosphere also has a pretty good idea about what happened too. The MSM doesn't want to investigate it because then they'll put to the question..."what the fuck took you so long?" And the "Reality Based Community" doesn't want to touch it because they feel it could ruin the Democratic chances this November.
But doesn't that make all the "Reality Based Community" bloggers just as WEAK and COWARDLY as the DLC and the 101st Fighting Keyboardists? Or is it that you truly do believe the official story? If you really do, come out and say it...and put a full ban on all 9/11 "conspiracy theories" comments and diaries (like crooks & liars have already done).
Come on DailyKos. Come on Americablog. Come on "Reality Based Community" bloggers . Tell us what you really think. Do you believe the "official story" or not? Are you with 70 Million people that believe there is a cover up or not?
Silence wont cut it anymore.
Update [2006-5-30 21:40:42 by bemindfull]: Just so everybody knows, I am both a heavey reader of the liberal blogospher, as well as all the 9/11 truth sites. I can honestly tell you that there was not some kind of "9/11 dailykos diary conspiricy" today. People just really believe and care about this subject. And like I pointed out in the poll above...61% of Liberals think there was a coverup. And i'm sorry to say to a lot of you, that number is only going to continue to rise.