Below is my LTE, not yet submitted. I want some feedback before I launch it.
[editor's note, by buckeyekarl] I reworked my letter, but for all Kossacks, let's get some letters out. This media blitz over something that doesn't matter should be called out.
I was astounded at the news that Michael Jackson was aquitted!
I ask one question, how many Americans have been killed so far in Iraq? Do people pay attention to that? (OK, more than one question) It has now passed 1700 valiant, strong, young, full lives ahead of them, young soldiers, young men and women that were misled into a war, a war that has no explanation.
1700+ dead American kids, and why?
You know, I could start to list the lies of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Ashcroft/Perle/Gonzalez/Rice/Powell cabal, but that would be too many words for a letter to the editor.
How about this Americans, (true Americans), look inside of yourselves, and ask youselves if this is what you really want America to be. I don't even have time, within the few words available of letter to the editor to talk about the violations of the Geneva Convention this administration has violated. Please, don't be sheep, please, listen, and please ask questions, or our country might as well be doomed.
OK, so what is it America? Michael Jackson or the REAL news? What is 'fair and balanced'? You decide.