I was listening to NPR in the car this afternoon and they had a story on all the voter irregularities that have been uncovered. They provided an explanation for all the theories that they talked about and why those theories are inaccurate.
1) Districts that had heavy concentration of Democrats voted overwhelmingly for Bush.
Reason not accurate: Dixicrats have voted more Republican lately.
2) 200,000 more votes in Florida than actual voters.
Reason not accurate: The Florida elections website did not have accurate data at the time. NPR claims it now has accurate data and there are more actual voters than votes for president now.
3) Exit polls favored Kerry but Bush won.
Reason not accurate: They were just a sampling and could be wrong. That is why Florida was called for Gore in 2000 and then pulled back when the actual votes were finished being counted.
But the co-founder of Air America Radio has a different take on the accuracy of exit polling.
4) Zogby called the election for Kerry.
Reason not accurate: He has since backed down and issued an explanation on his website. He basically said that he is a pollster not a person who can predict things and he apologized for stepping over the line into something that he was not familiar with. I have not found this on this website though.
5) Diebold and other electronic voting companies rigged their machines for Bush.
Reason not accurate: It is well documented that an executive at Diebold said that he would deliver Ohio to Bush. But, Diebold machines were not used in Ohio. Other electronic voting machine companies do not favor either party. They have given money equally to both Republicans and Democrats.
6) Certain districts in Cuyahoga County Ohio had more votes than registered voters.
Reason not accurate: Absentee ballots that actually belonged to other voting districts.
Here is how it is explained on the Ohio Democrats website:
The discrepancy was caused, though, when the board's computer attributed absentee ballots, which are printed and sorted by legislative districts, to several towns within those districts when calculating voter turnout. They were counted only once in election results, Bartlett said, meaning Kerry's 217,638-vote victory in Cuyahoga County is unchanged.
Here is that status of the vote counting in Ohio according to the Ohio Democratic party:
Vote fraud or irregularities in Ohio can be reported to the Ohio Democratic Party.
You can leave a message at (614) 221-6563 ext. 134 or email dan@ohiodems.org This information will be shared with their legal counsel as the official election tabulations are being made.
There are still some other leads that need to be tracked down. For example: Voting Files Manually Edited.
Keep plugging away looking at the results and finding any other discrepancies.
Your emails have prodded various media outlets to address this issue. At least we got their attention. Hopefully when we get more concrete evidence they will cover that also.
One last thing. Don't shoot the messenger. The last time I put up a description of what ABC News said about this situation I got my head bitten off. I was just reporting about the story and echoing what that diehard liberal, Al Franken, suggested we do. That is focus on rebuilding the party's message and not on fraud. Those are his words not mine. I apologize for any clumsy wording on my part.
Hopefully this poll is structured better this time.
By the way please reccomend so that this is seen.