WaPo lets us in on how Kerry has been "raising the issue":
...Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) has come out swinging. A senior aide close to Kerry said this week that Kerry is circulating a letter about the memo among Democratic senators before sending it to Bush. The aide predicted that Kerry would make the letter public in the next few days.
Hat tip to Mass and Pirate Smile at DU. More discussion at these DU posts:
WP: Democrats Looking for a Road Map to Downing Street (Kerry Letter to *)
Kerry and the DSM
For those who missed it, Kerry also issued (via an aide) another brief statement to a newspaper (
Boston Phoenix) last Tuesday (Hat tip to Ron at
"Senator Kerry believes every American deserves a thorough explanation of the Downing Street memo....John Kerry will demand answers in the Senate. Stay tuned."
You may not like the deliberate pace, but it seems to me he's playing carefully so as to not blow it. Draw your own conclusions, though.
Related Links:
Potential (R) Response to Kerry on DSM, and why it's bunk
More on "Iraqi Liberation Act" of 1998
More Dems Speak Out on Downing Street Minutes
"Where's Kerry on DSM?" He got there first. (read it before you yell at me.)
Senator Boxer joins DSM fray