Folks, John Kerry's
online media sucks, sucks, sucks. If you want to link to them, they only offer one original banner ad and they don't have any ads that are 150 pixels wide (which is the de facto standard for BlogAds). But for some reason, they have plenty of download able wallpapers. This one in particular sums up how lame their stuff is :

Luckily, they seem to be aware of the problem and have a bunch of ads that were submitted by supporters. These are better, but at the very least the site should offer some code samples for people who want to help out but aren't technically savvy.
Well, rather than wait for them to reply to my email, I'm taking things into my own hands. I've created two ads that anyone with a webpage can easily add to their sites with a single line of code. To check them out, click here. If you've got a website, feel free to use either one of these ads or, even better, make your own and send them to