Don't these guys have anything better to do? Apparently not:
The top two House Republicans are renewing their calls to repeal the health care overhaul and will back efforts to force votes on the House floor amid polls that show the public continues to have decidedly mixed feelings about the legislation.
“Either course of action would begin to implement the will of the people with respect to Obamacare,” Boehner and Cantor said in a joint statement. “Accordingly, we will be signing both discharge petitions and encouraging our colleagues to do the same.”
Yes, Republicans are engaging in a completely futile exercise to implement the will of the people. Because clearly, the people hate health care reform. Right?
A tracking poll released Wednesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that support for the overhaul spiked 7 percentage points, to 48 percent, over the past month.
But the intensity of opposition to the legislation appears to have leveled off. Twenty percent of people reported “very favorable” opinions, up from 14 percent last month, but down from a peak of 28 percent in March.
So why the renewed interest in repealing increasingly popular legislation?
“The American people asked Congress and President Obama not to pass the massive health care overhaul, and they were ignored,” Boehner and Cantor said in their statement.
Oh. Right. Because "the American people" were ignored by meany President Obama. The same American people who increasingly favor the legislation and who oppose attempts by Republicans to repeal it. Those American people.
Way to have your fingers on the pulse of the nation, fellas.